A new popular myth among mothers is the use of the walker from a young age, more precisely from 6 months. This topic is highly debated, with opinions being pro and con, but many parents find it a real help.

Helps develop motor skills

The first movements of the child are uncontrolled, they are strong, involuntary reflexes. At 3 months, the neck muscles begin to stabilize the baby's head, helping him to hold it on his own. After 6-7 months, he will learn to move independently, turn from side to side by himself, sit on his bottom and walk on his feet, the muscles of the lower part of the body starting to be activated.

Physical play with the walker will help him develop motor skills and better muscle coordination.

Familiarization with walking

A walker could be the ideal solution to familiarize the child with walking. This can happen in a pleasant way for the child, it can be perceived as play.

Types of forerunners

There are many types of baby walkers, such as: chair walker, upright walker, and 2-in-1 walker.

Seat-type walkers (also known as first-step walkers) are especially recommended for younger children, as they provide the support your little one needs to sit up.

Upright baby walkers are intended for older children as they do not support the child's seat. They have to maintain their balance by themselves, thus developing their locomotor system much better.

2-in-1 walkers are a combination of the two types of walkers mentioned above. These may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, such as: the seat that is removable, the walker that is mobile due to the presence of wheels, the toys that can be replaced with others, etc.