Any couple, especially when they want to have a child , faces discussions about fertility and conception, there are myths and popular beliefs related to the impact of personal hygiene on the ability to get pregnant.

One of these is that excessive hygiene, especially before having sex with your partner, can affect spermatozoa, significantly reducing the chances of getting pregnant. This belief can generate anxiety and worry for couples trying to conceive a child , but the reality is much more complex, as other factors that can influence infertility need to be reviewed.

Why can't you get pregnant?

The use of shower gels or other personal hygiene products could affect the quality of the sperm and implicitly the chances of getting pregnant. It is suggested that the chemicals used in these products could have a negative impact, changing the pH of the vagina and creating a hostile environment. It is important to emphasize that adequate personal hygiene is essential for general health and for the prevention of infections.

However, experts maintain that there is no clear evidence regarding this myth that these products could affect fertility. Personal hygiene must be in the first place for both partners and suitable products must be chosen for the intimate area, although there is no scientifically proven evidence that these practices could directly affect fertility.

If couples encounter difficulties in conceiving, it is recommended to contact a specialist for more checks, recommendations and personalized treatments depending on the assessment carried out.