Babies cannot tell us when they are too hot or too cold. That's why it's important that you, as a parent, know some signs that will show you if your baby feels uncomfortable because of the wrong temperature. In addition, this will help him stay safe.

What is the ideal temperature for the baby's room?

There are still many parents who believe that the baby should be swaddled and dressed as best as possible, but this is not always correct. In fact, childcare specialists warn that sudden infant death syndrome increases when a newborn is too hot (he gets too hot). This happens especially in the case of very young children, especially in the first 6 months.

What is the right temperature for the baby's room?

Fortunately, there is a well-known interval that can guide you in setting the correct temperature in the baby's bedroom . Most researches say that this range is between 20 - 21 degrees Celsius.

To make sure the temperature is right in the baby's room, you can use a portable thermometer, but in general babies will feel comfortable at the same temperature as an adult.

Tips to keep in mind

- avoid overheating the baby

A parent's first instinct is to check their baby's hands and feet for temperature, but this is not an accurate indicator of their comfort level. Instead, you can put your hand on their head or belly to see if they are warm. Also, check if the baby is sweating, if he has red cheeks, rashes, wet hair and rapid breathing. These are signs that show that the baby is too hot.

- avoid over-dressing the child

It is tempting to dress your child too much, especially in winter. However, let him breathe. A pair of pajamas, a diaper and a blanket are usually too much for the baby. Instead, you can use a light sleeping bag that will help him feel comfortable. Similarly, if the baby is sick, dress him in layers of clothes, but don't cover him with too thick bedding.

- use a fan

A fan will not dramatically lower the temperature in the room, but it helps the circulation of air and oxygen. It can also freshen the air in the room, allowing the child to breathe better air than the standard one.

- sleep in the same room with your baby for the first 6 months

In the first 6 months, it is important to monitor the baby as much as possible. That's why we recommend that you let him sleep with you in the room, in a co-sleeping bed or in a standard bed. Thus, you will get a better idea if it is too hot or too cold.

- puts the baby to sleep on its back

For his development, lying on his stomach is very important, but during sleep, childcare specialists recommend that the baby sleep on his back. Thus, the air will be able to circulate more easily around its face. From the moment you notice that he turns on his stomach by himself, you can let him sleep like this, because he will be able to raise his head, but continue to place him face up.

Keep these tips in mind and your baby will feel much more comfortable.