back to school clothes offers

With the utmost confidence. From the first day

Help the little one go to kindergarten or school in style, with confidence in him and with new clothes. It's true, this year there are a lot of new challenges and uncertainties regarding the start and development of classes, but your child needs all your support to be able to adapt easily. In the classroom or online, we have a lot of offers for boys and girls clothes that the little one can wear with joy.

Get inspired by our offers.

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How do you choose clothes for school or kindergarten?

There are some important criteria that you should consider when ordering clothes for the start of school activities.

1. Choose loose clothes.

boys jacket

Children grow very quickly and it is a very good idea to buy clothes a little bigger from the beginning. In addition, when children feel constricted by clothes, they cannot play freely, cannot write well and have a permanent feeling of discomfort.

2. Take into account the season and the temperature in the classroom.

Some classrooms are very narrow and if you choose thicker or long-sleeved clothes, the little one might not feel comfortable.

That's why, when you order clothes for the start of kindergarten and school, choose both thinner clothes (shirts, t-shirts, dresses with short sleeves) and thicker clothes (sweaters, vests, jackets, etc.). The shirts are very practical, because they have buttons that can be opened if the little one is too hot. The sleeves can also be rolled up a little towards the elbows.

3. Opt for practical and safe clothes.

If you have a child in kindergarten, avoid clothes with ornaments, buttons, rhinestones or other elements that the little one could swallow. Instead, choose minimalist.

4. Choose nice clothes.

Kindergarten children's costume

Every child deserves to wear beautiful clothes that make them feel good and increase their self-esteem. For kindergarten or school, you can choose elegant clothes, such as jackets, white shirts, maybe even with a bow tie or tie. For sports activities, a practical polo shirt is a very good option.

5. Quality materials.

Cotton and other similar materials prevent sweating, sticking to the body, capturing unpleasant odors and even allergies. Children's skin is very sensitive and therefore you should pay special attention to the materials from which the clothes are made.

girly dress

Styles that put a good light on the little one's dressing room, for the whole school year

At Annebebe, in the Back To School collection, you can find many cotton clothes, practical and beautiful t-shirts, easy to wear, comfortable and in cheerful colors. If you like the elegant style and the school or kindergarten where your child goes has approved this style, we invite you to discover our promotions with jackets and shirts for boys, embellished with elegant bow ties or ties.

school shirt for boys, baby's room

Be ready when the bell rings

Order cute and comfortable clothes from us for kindergarten or school. If you are thinking of a neutral style, then polo creations and long-sleeved shirts are friendly choices.

For a more relaxed style, we have red jackets with navy inserts, reversible jackets, printed ties, Ferrari t-shirts, checkered jackets. For refined options, see the complete suits, with jackets and sashes, waistcoats and bow ties.

Take advantage of our offers with up to 55% discount. Click on the Banner and see all the Offers.

back to school offers