Challenge cosleeper cots vs normal cots

It seems that there is an old debate among parents regarding co-sleeping cots and normal cots. Some are in one camp, others in the other, and everyone tries to support their point of view.

Do you know what our opinion is as a distributor of cribs and children's furniture? Let your instincts guide you. Do you feel like you want to have the baby close to your chest, to nurse him gently, to avoid getting out of bed all night to soothe him? Then choose a cot for co-sleeping .

Do you want to keep a limit from the very beginning and place the baby in his room or in your room, but in a normal crib? Perhaps this gives you such precious peace of mind in the first months after birth. Maybe you have a nanny or a grandmother that you can ask to sometimes replace you during the night. If so, maybe a standard crib is more suitable for you.

That's how we view the challenge between cosleeper beds and normal beds. As a spoiler, we emphasize from the very beginning that in our offer you will find solutions "that reconcile both goat and cabbage", i.e. convertible beds - which can take the form of a cosleeper (if you remove one side) or which can be used as standard beds.

However, we have proposed today to review the advantages and disadvantages of each type of cot, because it will guide you more easily in the choice you make. Remember from the beginning - that there is no right or wrong choice when it comes to the type of crib. The most important thing is that the chosen solution pleases you, brings you peace and helps you pass comfortably through the first months of the baby, which are so beautiful, but which are sometimes the most difficult and challenging (due to colic, due to accommodation, so that the little one feels that he is permanently at your breast, etc.).

Cosleeper cots


  • it is a good solution for the mother to rest more during the night
  • the child is calmer and does not cry so much at night
  • the mother can feed him very easily, without getting out of bed
  • the connection between mother and child becomes very strong
  • the mother knows at any moment what the baby is doing; he doesn't have to go check it out
  • babies feel much safer
  • as the baby grows, the cosleeper bed can be transformed into a standard bed


  • the baby could develop too strong an attachment to the mother, and then it will be very difficult to convince him to sleep in his crib, in his room
  • the couple's intimacy/relationship can be affected, especially if the baby continues to sleep in the co-sleeping bed until an older age (1 - 2 years or more)
  • you may not want to have the same sleep time as the baby
  • some children may develop anxiety and later want to be stroked, scratched, held in arms to fall asleep

Standard beds


  • the child will get used to sleeping in his bed (and maybe even in his room) from the beginning
  • the relationship of the couple will not suffer; after the baby falls asleep, you can dedicate yourself to each other, as a moment of respite
  • after the baby falls asleep, you can retire for other relaxation activities


  • especially in the first months, you may need to wake up several times a night to breastfeed; you will sleep less and the quality of your sleep will suffer
  • it is less convenient to wake up many times a night to go and check on your baby to soothe him
  • babies can feel restless and insecure; that's why some cry a lot

Cosleeper cots and standard cots: common things

  • both cots offer a place to sleep for the child, from the first days of his life
  • sleeping with the baby in the same bed even if this happens only in the first weeks is dangerous, unhygienic and not indicated
  • every baby should have its own crib, with a comfortable mattress
  • both types of cots offer the child a quiet, safe space, a space where he can sleep, where he can grow and where he can start exploring the world

These are the advantages and disadvantages of cosleeper cots, respectively standard cots. Do not forget that the latest models of cots for babies are created in such a way as to offer you greater freedom of choice in the sense that they can be transformed.

For example, you can choose to remove one side of the crib to turn the crib into a cosleeper during the first months of the child's accommodation.

Then, gradually you can turn the crib into a standard one and you can move the child to his room. In this sense, the wheels with which many models of cots are provided will also be useful.