The moment of birth is a special one for everyone. It is a moment awaited with much joy, impatience and love. It is good to be informed and prepared so that you can fully enjoy the whole experience.

Maternity luggage

When we talk about maternity luggage, there is no right time for it, but most of the time expectant mothers are very conscientious. You don't have to pack your luggage from the first days of pregnancy, but you also don't have to leave everything for the last hundred meters, somewhere in the 7th or 8th month is an opportune time because mothers have enough time to put everything in their luggage what they need.

Most of the time we have a tendency when we pack a bag, especially the maternity bag, to put both useful things but also many useless things that will make your activity difficult most of the time.

In this case, we come to the aid of mothers and fathers with a shopping list for maternity to guide you.

- Documents required for admission

- Things for hygiene for the newborn

- Baby clothes

- Accessories that will help you feed the baby

- Objects needed by the mother for care

newborn sets

Documents necessary for hospitalization and for the declaration of the child

-Both parents' bulletin (copy and original)

-Birth certificate of both parents (copy and original)

-Marriage certificate (copy and original) if the parents are married.

-Employee certificate

- The health card

- Health insurance documents

- In case you had, the pregnant woman's card

- The file with the analyzes during the pregnancy

maternity bag

Things for hygiene for the newborn

It is very important that in the maternity bag you have the things that your baby will need when you bring him into the world.

- Diapers

- Physiological serum, this is very useful for cleaning sensitive areas, such as the eyes, navel, nose

-Wet wipes for children

- Soft towels

-Soap or shampoo

-Aleze - are mattress protectors that will help you maintain the hygiene of both your baby and yourself.

-Special nail scissors for newborns

Creams for erythema

New cotton baby clothes - before putting them in your luggage, it is advisable to wash them at home.


- Hats off

- The blanket

- Blouses / thicker or thinner depending on the period in which you will give birth

-Clothes to take out of the hospital, maybe a jacket



- Overalls

-Gloves - the small ones tend to scratch themselves

The car seat should be installed for the period when you leave the hospital.


Let's not forget the accessories that will help you feed the little one

-Breast pump

- Nursing bra

-Cream with lanolin

- Breast pads


Items necessary for the mother for care

After the birth, you will spend a period of time in the hospital for recovery.

Most of the time, hospitals provide you with the bare essentials, but to make you feel more comfortable, you can also bring your own personal care products.

- Wet/dry napkins - you never know when you will need them.

-Shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, soap, shower gel, disinfectant, toilet paper, toilet paper, cotton wool, absorbents, towels, glycerin suppositories, face cream, hair elastic, hair brush 3-10 pairs of cotton panties and a few disposable pairs are just some of the products that should be in your personal maternity kit.

To make it easier for you to move, breastfeed and go to the bathroom, it is best to have one or two changing robes and also nightgowns with buttons in the front.

-A warm robe because most of the time hospital rooms are cool.

-Comfortable everyday clothes - don't weigh down your luggage, have a few changes of comfortable clothes to feel good in, comfortable slippers for those moments during labor, when you will walk around and a pair of rubber slippers for the bathroom.

-Clothes for leaving the hospital.

You can also take a few things for yourself such as a tablet, books, phone, external battery or charger to make your time spent in the hospital much more pleasant.

Of course, in the maternity bag you can add what you think is appropriate that you will need, both for you and for the baby , but following the list above you will be prepared and have everything you need.