Cheap baptism during the COVID-19 pandemic

We all would have liked to enjoy such an important moment as baptism (for many the most important moment in life) as we are used to. Every parent's dream is to throw a party as big as possible, in a context as lavish as possible and with as many guests as possible so that, years later, the little one can enjoy the magical moments that were captured through the special photos that I tell the whole story of this day.

Unfortunately, the pandemic puts our wishes to the test, both from a creative point of view and from a financial point of view, for most parents.

However, we believe that you should not suppress all this enthusiasm that will encompass you with the arrival of the baby in the world, but also the happiness that engulfs us when you organize the baptism and when you set up all the small details.

However, you can organize a truly magical event even in a pandemic, even without exorbitant investments. We come to your aid with some advice in this regard, which you can put into practice in the next period.

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How to organize a cheap baptism in a pandemic?

There are many elements that you have to take into account when organizing a baptism, organization that can turn into a real challenge when it is the first time you have to deal with an event of this kind, even more so if it is let's think about the restrictions of our days.

But here, even with a tight budget, you can set up such an event simply and quickly, taking into account some tricks and tips that we will reveal to you in the following.

Guest list

Since ancient times we have learned to invite all relatives and acquaintances to the baptism. And there is nothing wrong with that! But we all realize, especially in this difficult period, that the list of guests will naturally be more limited than ever.

So, from the very beginning, you can make a basic list of the closest guests (relatives, parents, some of the best friends), people who have confirmed long before the event their actual desire to participation. A guest list of a maximum of 20 people is enough to enjoy a proper baptism.

At the same time, instead of financial implications, you can convince your guests to offer symbolic attention or things useful to the baby in the future (toys, diapers, clothes, etc.), saving you from a series of additional costs for the essentials that he will need throughout his life .

The invitations, testimonies and decorations

Even if they are not the most expensive elements of the entire process of organizing a baptism, invitations and decorations remain an additional cost that you could significantly reduce.

Instead of professional invitations, you can make your own invitations at home. You can use a series of applications that allow you to personally design these invitations, which you can later print and personally hand to the guests.

You can also invest in testimonies, which will be an important reminder of your child's baptism. You will find with us numerous options at affordable prices.

Moreover, you can also make the decorations handmade, from paper, artificial flowers, etc. things that you can buy at a reduced price or that you already have at home and can revalue.

The table and the menu

Instead of a festive event at a restaurant, you can opt for a meal at home. The setting will be intimate and pleasant enough for all the guests to have fun.

And on the menu, you can either find a catering company that will offer you low prices, or instead of demanding and pretentious meals, you can limit yourself to a Swedish buffet through which each guest can help themselves to what is strictly necessary, without wasting . Or you can prepare some homemade dishes yourself.


At such a special moment, the outfit is no exception on the first places of the organization list.

Don't forget that baptism is an event dedicated to the little one, so he should be the first to shine in the spotlight. Give him the joy of trying on a special dress or costume, made of pleasant and skin-friendly materials, which you can also find at the Baby's Room.

As for you and all the other guests, you can establish a basic dress code that you can communicate in the invitation, and for which you can even use the festive pieces that you already have in your dresser, without extra investments.

The period of the pandemic has affected us all, but with the forehead high and the head forward, Anne Bebe and Camera Bebelusului are still with you with a varied range of products for your baby, of the best quality and at the lowest prices, from which you can enjoy on the most important day of your life.