In the first stage of life, the baby is extremely attached to the mother. This is perfectly explainable considering the indestructible connection between the two beings, who not long ago were one person.

However, the moment comes when the little one must be taught to detach from the mother and fall asleep alone. According to specialists, the fear of separation is at its peak around the age of 18 months. Therefore, if the baby is at this age and is still extremely attached, you can postpone the moment. When you still consider it necessary to put this plan into practice, you should take into account the following:

The child's bedroom must be extremely attractive so that he wants to stay there. The colors must be chosen carefully, the bedding must be soft and fluffy, the bed comfortable enough to sleep without worries and the night lights.

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If the child is old enough to understand, talk to him about the change to be made. It is very important for him to know that you will be close to him even if you are in separate rooms.

Music can also be a reliable friend. A familiar background, such as a lullaby, will calm the little one and give him a sense of familiarity.

Give him a friend to sleep with! We all had a plush toy that made our lives more beautiful when we were little, so don't hesitate to buy your child a cuddly animal to snuggle with.

Be consistent regarding the change and if the little one does not respond positively, try to produce it gradually. For example, stay with him until he falls asleep, and if he cries during the night, hug him and tell him you'll be there if he needs it.

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