Little Moon 3 piece furniture package
(Little Moon Bed+Coco Mattress+Protection Set)
- Little Moon Bed Beech wood
- Mattress 120x60x10cm Coconut Eco-Tex Coconut Foam & Washable Cover
- Protection Set 4 Pieces Moon
*click on products for description
Other Moon Collection Packages -> (see here)Safety Standards -> (see here)
Cot textile accessories (not included)
Furniture items (not included)
Promotional Sets (packages)
Set of 3 pieces (bed + mattress + protection)
- Set of 4 pieces (+ chest of drawers)
- Set of 5 pieces (+ dresser + cabinet/wardrobe)
- Set of 6 pieces (+ dresser + cabinet + wardrobe)
*click on products for description