The myth that the little one has to sleep in a dark room during the day and in a room with the light on at night in order not to get scared, is not based on developed scientific studies. If until now you believed this myth, then today we will take care of dispelling it, it is not a well-founded one.

Why would a child not be frightened in a dark room during the day, but would be frightened at night?

To have a clearer overview, we need to understand the principles of sleep and the physiological functions that occur during it.

Circadian rhythm

It is a biological cycle or clock related to physiological, biochemical and behavioral processes, lasting approximately one day (24 hours). With its deregulation, several symptoms appear, the most common being sleep disorders.

Light on at night

Leaving the light on at night can be harmful to your little one's health. During night sleep, the body temperature drops and certain endocrine glands begin their secretion. The pineal gland is an endocrine gland with an important role in regulating the circadian rhythm, it secretes melatonin, the sleep hormone.

Since the secretion of melatonin decreases in the presence of light, be it artificial or natural, and increases in the presence of darkness, the light on during the child's sleep can affect his sleep.

Sleep during the day

Even if it is during the day, the light should not be completely removed from the room where the child sleeps. We can create a comfortable environment by drawing the curtains, but not completely eliminating the light source, because we can affect our personal circadian rhythm, disrupt endocrine secretions and more.