Many parents believe that they can find out the sex of the baby depending on various factors, such as the date of birth, position, altitude, atmospheric pressure or temperature. These myths are passed down from generation to generation and seem to be attractive and entertaining for those who are waiting to discover the great secret .

However, the scientific reality behind these myths is much more complex and less predictable than it seems at first glance.

Depending on the date of conception

child pregnancy myths

According to these popular beliefs, many believe that the sex of the baby can be predicted depending on the date of birth or conception. An example is that, if the conception took place on a certain day of the month or in a leap year, it is more likely to be a boy. It is also believed that the altitude or atmospheric pressure in the mother's area of ​​residence could influence the gender of the little one.

Scientific research has failed to demonstrate any solid link between these factors and the determination of the sex of the baby. The gender of a child is influenced by genetic factors, by the combination of parents' chromosomes, not by external factors of the environment or other similar myths.

Today, there are scientific ways to find out, such as ultrasound, which can provide accurate and reliable information about the sex of the baby during pregnancy, without the need for parents to rely on environmental or astrological factors that have no basis any solid evidence that it would work.

The sex of a baby is genetically determined and is a biological characteristic that cannot be influenced by other external variables. It is important that these myths are looked at in a fun way, without parents relying on them, as there are state-of-the-art medical solutions that can help find out the great secret.