Throughout life, the child will sweat very often, whether it is summer or winter, whether he is at school/kindergarten or at home. In the first months of life, however, sweating can be more intense and occurs during meals. What is actually happening? Why does the baby sweat when he drinks milk from the bottle?

Normal reaction of the body

This is a normal reaction of the body. Sweating is a thermal regulation mechanism of the body and helps to maintain a constant temperature when the surrounding environment is too hot or too cold.

Most of the time, when it happens to the baby while feeding from the bottle, it means that the milk is too hot. Another reason could be that the baby has a high body temperature. It is good to always have a towel or more at hand when the baby is eating.

Babies are more sensitive to temperature than adults and, therefore, they sweat faster and more than other members of the family. For example, throwing a wet towel on an adult's back will not make him sweat, while the baby will sweat immediately.

The little ones manage to change their body temperature to successfully adapt to environmental changes. This ability to adapt is essential for survival and especially babies have it. Because it inevitably sweats, you must havetowels nearby to wipe the baby.

Babies make more effort when feeding from a bottle

It is possible that the baby has a slightly higher temperature when drinking milk from the bottle, because during breastfeeding he is much less active and does not consume his energy as suddenly. In addition, he can move a lot when he eats, and thus he can sweat. If your babysweats a lot while feeding, it is possible that the milk is too warm or the hole in the bottle is too small.

Sweating in babies is a normal phenomenon, but it can also be caused by certain external factors. When it comes to feeding with powdered milk, the excessive heat of the milk in the bottle is one of those factors that can trigger the baby's sweating. In addition, sweating can also be triggered by the caloric intake from baby milk.

The reason is that the baby is not used to drinking from a bottle. He needs a longer time to be able to feed himself, which time he does not have if he is encouraged to eat from a bottle from which the milk flows much faster. In order to eat, the little one will have to move faster with his hands and mouth, and this requires his body, which automatically leads to sweating.

How can we prevent babies from sweating?

Here are some tips to prevent the baby from sweating when he is fed with milk from a bottle:

  • Leave the bottle at room temperature before giving it to the baby;
  • It is very important that the bottle is heated correctly, but the liquid is never too hot. Why? Because very hot milk can cause burns in the oral cavity and esophagus. Here's a trick to see if it's okay for your baby: pour a few drops from the bottle onto your wrist. That way you will see if it is suitable for the child. Put a thintowel under his neck, to prevent the clothes from getting dirty;
  • Do not put the bottle directly in the microwave oven to heat the milk. If you still want to heat the liquid in this way, the contents must be poured into a small vessel that can be heated on low heat. After that, mix the food, so that the temperature spreads evenly, before giving the bottle to the baby.

What material should the bottle be made of?

It was discovered that plastic bottles play an important role in the development of milk allergies. If the bottle is not properly cleaned and traces of milk are left in it, the bacteria can become harmful to the baby. In addition, at high temperatures or if it is left in the sun, the milk in the bottle can be affected and this can cause digestive problems.

Often, when you give the bottle to the baby, you notice that he has barely drunk a few spoonfuls and is already sweating. This phenomenon is normal, because babies regulate their body temperature by sweating. Do not worry if the babysweats every time he drinks milk from the bottle. It is good to have a towel handy to wipe off the welds.