The world of traditions is incomprehensible in places. Although there are customs that we have been practicing for hundreds of years, we don't understand them all .
However, we respect the tradition. It happens in the case of the most important events in our lives: weddings and baptisms.

Baptism and wedding are two events that delight and surprise in equal measure. In a world that seems crowded with traditions and customs, these moments sometimes bring to the fore practices and rituals that can be unusual, adding an element of humor and unpredictability to the whole experience. There are probably those practices that, although we don't understand, we accept precisely because they are sprinkled with spices, let's say.
We will explore in the following lines some of those funny and unusual traditions during these 2 important moments in our lives, capturing the moments that sometimes lead to unexpected situations.
Even we Romanians have different strange, sometimes incomprehensible customs, but it seems that they are much more strange than those of other peoples. I invite you to stay to find out what we are talking about.
Enter the funny and strange world of traditions
It seems unbelievable, but did you know that in Greece during the baptism of a child, he is spat on by the priest and the nuns to drive away the evil spirits? An unacceptable habit for most cultures in the world, but appreciated by the Greeks.
If we think about our old saying "spit it out, don't blind it", it doesn't seem so strange anymore, does it? Well, it seems because we just say it, the Greeks do it.
Another custom practiced in our country, which is actually more of a belief, is that according to which children who are baptized in the same water are called baptism brothers or cross brothers. It doesn't seem strange, but if we deeply analyze this belief, we find out that these children are not allowed to marry if they meet in life. What happens if they don't know that they were baptized in the same water and they meet wanting to take the big step at a given moment, we don't know.
This is what happens in Cyprus at the baptism of the child. It is believed that immediately after baptism, the baby receives a guardian angel who will protect him all his life. Similar to the Orthodox faith, by the way. But the question is the following. If our life sometimes deviates from the right path (we make mistakes, it's natural) does the guardian angel stay with us?
We also arrive in Latvia and find that the traditional baptism takes place 9 days after the birth, when the godparents also choose the child's name. Nothing strange so far. But how do you think they choose their names? Observing the child's behavior, nature at the time of birth, as well as other details. Depending on these, the godparents choose the child's name.
So if you intend to move to Latvia before the birth of the child, keep this in mind. It may also apply to resettled foreigners. More than that. It is considered that the child's life can be influenced by the character of the nose. With this idea in mind, we come to the next idea. How important it is to choose the most suitable parents for our children. They will be like a second pair of parents with great influence in his life.
But on the wedding day? What happens on the first day of a family in certain peoples?
For example, in the Czech Republic , the bride and groom are "welcomed" before the big day with various objects. On the relevant day, a tray is thrown at the feet of the bride and groom, and they are encouraged to clean it together, symbolizing their unity.
When they leave the restaurant, they are "covered" with peas, so that they have a fertile life. When they get home, they are greeted with seeds and coins as a sign of gratitude offered to the god of the home.
Doesn't this make you think of the moment during the civil wedding when rice is thrown over the bride and groom upon leaving the civil state?
What is happening in South America?
The slaves were not allowed to marry, and for this reason they invented different customs to symbolize the union between a man and a woman, which in our country takes place in front of God. what were they doing They were jumping over a broom. Thus it was considered that they were married. This custom is no longer practiced, slavery being fortunately abolished.
The broken plates before the wedding
Yes, this custom is practiced in Germany. Breaking the plates, but after serving the food. How much mess is made because of the leftovers from the broken plates? We can't help but wonder.
But why do they do this? For the same reason why other peoples do it. To drive away the spirits that could destabilize them at some point during their marriage, so to speak. But isn't that how life should be? With joys, but also difficulties? Maybe there are fewer spirits if they respect this tradition. We do not know. What we know is that we respect every custom of other peoples, just as we expect to be respected for our traditions.
In Scotland , the bride is subjected to a torture. One day before the wedding, the family mixes dairy with fish. The resulting mixture is thrown on the bride, who is forced to walk through the city like this, with that mixture on her. Does he do this during the day or at night, we wondered?
Traditions beautify our lives
Baptisms and weddings are two special moments in our lives, and the traditions associated with these events bring more color and joy to our experience.
Unexpected and sometimes funny moments, these traditions are a wonderful way to celebrate love and life in a unique and memorable way. So, regardless of whether you attend a baptism or a wedding, be prepared to have fun and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones!