Box set for next-day home with AnneBebe Noses


В НАЯВНОСТІпопереднє замовленняПРОДАНО
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Color: cream-colored

  • cream-colored
Бренд: AnneBebeКод продукту: 919140-c1Недоступний

Complete set for the next day's Baita de myrrh

The AnneBebe First Baby Set is designed to add a touch of elegance and meaning to the special moment of your baby's first baby. Inspired by Romanian traditions, this set includes all the necessary elements to transform this ritual into a memorable and loving experience. Presented in a luxurious cream-gold box, the set is a symbol of purity and blessing.

Set for the First House with AnneBebe Babies

Set Contents

  1. Presentation box:
    Color: Golden cream
    Dimensions: 10 cm
    This elegant box is perfect for storing all the ingredients and accessories needed for the first bath, while also being an exquisite decoration object.

  2. Bottles for holy oil and other ingredients:
    Dimensions: 8.5 cm (8x3 cm)
    Quantity: 10 bottles
    Bottle 1: White Susan + Black Susan
    Bottle 2: Flax seeds
    Bottle 3: Salt + Pepper
    Bottle 4: Basil + Lavender
    Bottle 5: Holy basil + Mint
    Bottle 6: Flakes/Feathers
    Bottle 7: Sugar
    Bottle 8: Flowers - Dry Roses
    Bottle 9: Rice
    Bottle 10: Wheat

  3. Jar of honey:
    Dimensions: 4 cm
    Capacity: 28 ml
    Honey symbolizes the sweetness of life and gentleness. It is used in ritual to bring luck and prosperity to the child.

  4. Soap:
    Dimensions: 4.5 x 1 cm
    This small and delicate soap is essential for the cleanliness and purification of the baby. Made from natural ingredients, it provides gentle and effective care for your little one's delicate skin.

  5. Guide to the myrtle tree:
    Make the groom's ceremony a special and loving moment with the help of this comprehensive guide. Dedicated to godparents, grandparents and the whole family, our guide will guide you through all the necessary steps to carry out this traditional Romanian ritual with joy and ease. You will find useful tips and essential recommendations to create an unforgettable experience, where every detail counts and every moment is charged with emotion and tenderness.

Details and Usage

The AnneBebe First Bath Set is intended for use in the traditional myrrh bath ritual, held the day after baptism. This ritual is a moment full of symbolism and emotion, where the child is cleansed and blessed to begin life with good luck and divine protection.

Set for the First House with AnneBebe BabiesSet for the First House with AnneBebe BabiesSet for the First House with AnneBebe Babies

Ingredients and meaning:

  • Susan : Protection against evil spirits.
  • Flaxseed : Health and protection.
  • Salt : Purification and protection.
  • Piper : Protection against the blind eye.
  • Holy Basil : Purification and blessing.
  • Flakes/Feathers : Abundance and prosperity.
  • Sugar and honey : The sweetness and gentleness of life.
  • Lavender : Calm and protection.
  • Rose petals : Love and compassion.
  • Rice : Fertility and abundance.
  • Mint : Health and vitality.
  • Wheat : Life and prosperity.

Each of these ingredients has a specific role in ensuring a blessed and protected life for the child.

Step by Step of the Bath Ritual

  1. Preparing the tub of water : The lukewarm water is prepared and sanctified, evoking the purity and flow of life.
  2. Baptismal sash : Used to wrap the baby, symbolizing protection and purity.
  3. Baptismal candle : Lit during the baptism to ensure divine protection.
  4. Addition of ingredients : Each ingredient is added with a specific enchantment, bringing various blessings.
  5. Addition of sanctified oil : Myrrh oil is poured for spiritual anointing and protection.
  6. The addition of the wedding ring and the penny : Signifies luck in love and prosperity.
  7. Washing the child : The washing ritual is accompanied by blessings and prayers.
  8. Anointing with holy oil : The godmother anoints the child, saying incantations for each part of the body.
  9. Dressing the baby : The baby is dressed in white clothes, symbolizing purity.
  10. Emptying the tub : The used water is thrown at the root of a fruit tree or into running water, symbolizing the beautiful and healthy growth of the child.

Benefits and Features

  • Superior Quality : Carefully selected materials to provide an authentic and unforgettable experience.
  • Elegant Design : The exquisite appearance of the box and accessories make this set a perfect gift and treasured item.
  • Tradition and Modernity : Combines traditional symbolism with modern elements, offering a complete and memorable ritual.
  • Easy to Use : The set includes all the necessary elements, being simple to use for anyone who wants to follow this beautiful habit.

The AnneBebe First Baby Set is not just a simple set of products, but an invitation to keep traditions alive and give your child a blessed start in life, full of love and protection. Each item in this set helps create precious memories that will be cherished for years to come.



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(DPD, Cargus, FanCourier)

Ми відправляємо товари зі статусом "В НАЯВНОСТІ" протягом 1-3 робочих днів, а товари зі статусом "ПРЕДЗАМОВЛЕННЯ" - 15-35 днів. Вартість доставки від 10 лей. У разі запиту на зміну розміру/кольору/моделі вартість становить від 10 лей, вартість повернення від 20 лей.


(Від 18 євро)

Ми відправляємо протягом 3-7 робочих днів всі товари зі статусом «В НАЯВНОСТІ» і протягом 15-35 днів товари зі статусом «ПРЕДЗАМОВЛЕННЯ». Вартість доставки буде повідомлено пізніше на основі остаточних розмірів посилки та адреси доставки.


(Від 50 лей)

Ми пропонуємо транспорт до дверей клієнта, професійну збірку та переробку упаковки (від 50 леїв). Кінцева ціна розраховується відповідно до кількості км від центру Бухареста до адреси, кількості товарів і ваги товарів.



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(Фіскальний рахунок)

Податкова накладна буде виставлена ​​на оплату банківським переказом або за посиланням для оплати онлайн. Для міжнародних замовлень рахунок-фактура буде виставлено в євро або леях.


(Меблі та персоналізація)

Для онлайн-замовлень з індивідуальним оформленням за допомогою вишивки або попереднього замовлення буде сплачено аванс у розмірі 25-30% після підтвердження замовлення, за посиланням для онлайн-оплати або банківським переказом.

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  • Unirea Store Aboveground Parking - Floor 1, Бухарест, сектор 3 ( Подивитися на карті )
  • Телефон: 0726 005 500
  • Графік: понеділок - п'ятниця: 09:00-18:00 | Субота: 09:30-17:00 | Неділя: вихідний
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Box set for next-day home with AnneBebe Noses
